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Slalom Giant:
National slope
(portion), Length 800
Vertical Drop 300 meters, Nbr of Gates + 40, Approx. time:
1:15 minute per run
Slalom Special
Slalom du
Pas du loup (Cry d’Err),
Vertical Drop 100
meters, Number of Gates (or pair of flags): +35 units,
Approx. time:
35 to 55 sec.
Results of competition
with following PARTNERS and SPONSORS
Alpine Skiing Federation of Lithuania-Lietuvos
Kalnu Slidinéjimo Federacija - Mr
Paulius AUGUNAS (VP)
(Geneva) - Raoul Barakat, Sonia Barakat,
Lara Fattah, Magali Luder. (SPONSOR)
Office du
Tourisme de Crans-Montana
- Mr Loser, Mr Romang
Ski Resort (Remontées mécaniques) - Mr Gaberthuel
ESS -Ecole
Suisse de Ski Montana - Mr Masserey
Casino de Crans-Montana - Mr Gullimore, Mr
Boisteau (SPONSOR)
Swiss Ski Federation (Swissski) - Mr Mudry
(ex-Director), Mr Marti
(New Director), Mr Rossier
(Member of the
Consul General of Lithuania - Mr
and Mrs Erikas Petrikas
Travel Agencies in Lithuania:
Baltic Travel Service,
Audimas (SPONSOR)
Photo Gallery

Andrius Augunas and Paulius Augunas Bruno Marti (Director Swissski), P. Augunas (VP Lithuanian Alpine Skiing Federation), Jean-Daniel Mudry (Swissski), Raoul Barakat (EDACO) Barakat (EDACO), Marti (Director Swissski), P. Augunas (VP ASFL), Andrius Augunas Gaberthuel (CMA), Barakat (EDACO), Loser (Director CMT), Augunas (VP ASFL), Augunas son, Romang Romang, Barakat (EDACO), Loser (Director CMT)Gaberthuel (CMA), , , Augunas (VP ASFL), Augunas son, Marti (Swisski), Augunas (VP ASFL), Mudry (Swissski) Paulius Augunas (VP ASFL) and Raoul Barakat (EDACO) Barakat (EDACO), Bruno Marti (Director Swissski), P. Augunas (VPASFL), Jean-Daniel Mudry (Swissski), Augunas son and father, Romang, Barakat Andrius Augunas and Raoul Barakat Mrs Augunas and member of the ASFL Barakat (EDACO), Algimantas Kepezenas (President ASFL), Nicolas Masserey (Technical director Swiss ski school) Stettner (agency BTS), Raoul Barakat, Sonia Barakat (EDACO-Project leader), Augunas (VP ASFL), Kepezenas (President ASFL) Jolanta Stettner (BTS), Raoul Barakat (Director EDACO), Sonia Barakat (Project leader) Lara Fattah, Raoul Barakat, Magali Luder....the dream team (EDACO) Lithuanian and ASFL flags Raoul Barakat (director EDACO), Algimantas kepezenas (President Lithuanain Alpine Skiing Federation) Augunas (VP ASFL), Barakat (Director EDACO), kepezenas (President ASFL) Loser (CMT) adressing the participants at opening ceremony AUgunas family, in front of Audimas logo (sponsor) Paulius Augunas preparing for competition Departure of slope- Pas du Loup (Cry d'Err) Erikas Petrikas (Consul General of Lihtuania) adressing VIP guests at dinner sponsored by Casino and EDACO. Walter Loser making speech at award ceremony Algimantas kepezenas (President ASFL) giving Award to winning participant Kepezenas giving medal to Stettner (BTS) Consul General Petrikas giving certificate prepared and sponsored by Consulate to child's winner Eloi Rossier (Swissski) adressing a few words to all participants at award ceremony Kepezenas receiving present from Rossier in presence of Consul General of Lithuania EDACO getting a Medal of the ASFL from the hands of its President Kepezenas Kepezenas giving medal to Masserey (ESS) Kepezenas giving medal to Kelrodis (agency) Paulius Augunas holding the swiss bell and 6 medals....meeting with another winner Barakat (EDACO), Rossier (Swisski), Kepezenas (Presdient ASFL), Loser (CMT) Barakat (EDACO), Rossier (Swissski), kepezenas (President ASFL), Consul General Petrikas, Loser (CMT) Barakat (EDACO), Rossier (Swissski), kepezenas (President ASFL), Consul General Petrikas, Loser (CMT) Paulius Augunas (VP ASFL), Rossier (Swissski), Barakat (EDACO), kepezenas (President ASFL), Loser (CMT)
In front the Geneva Fountain Visit to Müri-Bern in the offices of Swissski Partners in Crans-Montana joining EDACO and ASFL for project visit of slopes for competition Desk of ASFL during opening ceremony On the stage at opening ceremony
Andrius Augunas and Paulius Augunas
In front the Geneva Fountain